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The Commission meets at 9:30 a.m. on the first Monday of each month, except when it falls on a recognized holiday; in those cases the regular meeting will take place the following Monday. Public hearings are advertised in the local newspaper and notices are mailed to affected registered voters and landowners consistent with State law. Links to meeting documents are provided on this page.

The public are welcome and encouraged to attend regular LAFCo meetings and state their views during public hearings on proposals before the Commission. In addition, the meetings provide an excellent opportunity for the public to familiarize themselves with the growth, development, and inter-jurisdictional issues facing their county. Copies of the meeting agendas, minutes and staff reports may be downloaded below or can be obtained by contacting us via phone or email 

Regular Commission meetings are held the first Monday of the month, unless it falls on a holiday, and begin at 9:30AM in the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Chambers at 501 Low Gap Road, Ukiah, CA.

Commission meetings are live-streamed, recorded, and are available on the Mendocino County YouTube channel.

Commission meetings are held in a hybrid format to provide for public participation by videoconference or teleconference. Information on how to participate in meetings is included on the meeting agenda. 

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